“You are born with a purpose, purposely designed. Discover it. Own it. Live it!”
Do you find yourself struggling to greet the sunrise, only to feel relief as the sunsets, eager for the day to end?
Despite your accomplishments and accolades, do you still feel a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction, yearning for something more fulfilling in life?
Well, here’s the good news – you have the power to make a change! Angela (Angie B.) Bryant is dedicated to helping ordinary people live extraordinary lives by igniting their inner fire to identify and shed toxic behaviors and self-perceptions that are hindering them from living a purposeful and fulfilling life, regardless of their age or current circumstances.
Angie B. knows firsthand the struggle of waking up each day without a clear sense of purpose. Her own journey has been marked by challenges such as a tumultuous childhood, an unplanned teenage pregnancy, the loss of her eldest child, and two divorces. Despite these hardships, Angie B. refused to accept a life of emptiness and despair. Instead, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and growth, shedding the mental T.R.A.S.H. that was holding her back and embracing a life filled with purpose. And now, she is committed to guiding others on a similar path towards fulfillment with her “Born with a Purpose” Keynote speech and musical presentation.
With over 20 years of experience in public speaking and singing, Angie B. is known for her energetic, inspiring, empowering, and humorous presence on stage. Her unique blend of music, personal experiences, and educational background, including an MBA degree, equips her to address topics such as radical resilience, self-love, graceful grieving, and living with purpose authentically and unapologetically.
She has frequented women and youth retreats, church congregations, educational institutions, and non-profit events; each time leaving them with a message of hope while challenging them to make a difference by taking action.
Angie B.’s passion for purposeful living is evident not only in her speaking presentation, but in her music. In her original song, Born with a Purpose, Angie B’s states, “you are born with a purpose, purposely designed. When God breathed life into you, He had a purpose in mind.” And with each message, she challenges her audience to explore, embrace and execute their life’s purpose.
Whether you are part of academia, a faith-based organization, a non or for-profit, or simply seeking personal growth, Angie B. is ready to help you SHINE in your purpose. There’s no better time than the present to take that first step towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.
Book Angie B. today. Your audience will thank you for it!
Purpose Driven Livin‘.Too many people wake up dreading another day of mundane living and desparately want to change it so that their life is meaningful and fulfilling but don’t know where to begin. Angie B. passionately shares how she went from an ordinary to an extraordinary life by throwing out the self-sabotaging behaviors and mental mess that kept her from living a purposeful life. And you can too! KEY TAKEAWAY: Dump the T.R.A.S.H. that makes your life stink!
Dare to Care. Angie B., from a personal and professional perspective, presents the benefits of a caring corporate environment that produces long-lasting dividends that go far beyond the “bottom-line. KEY TAKEAWAY: A caring and compassionate company, cultivates a collaborative and cohesive culture.
Inspirational leadership. Regardless of the industry, it’s a challenge to seek, find, and secure needed talent, and even more challenging to retain them. In a passionate and inspirational presentation, Angie B. provides proactive protocols to retain new talent and avoid the associated costs (monetary and non-monetary) of talent replacement. KEY TAKEAWAY: Inspire them after you hire them and before you fire them.
The Wealth in Networking. Known as an innate “social butterfly”, Angie B. knows first-hand the rewards of developing and sustaining a thriving network that produces life-changing opportunities, relationships/partnerships, and life-time achievements. Learn how you too can level-up your network and net-worth in eight life-defining steps. KEY TAKEAWAY: Utilize your net-work to level-up your net-worth.
Dumb Dating. Due to multi-media platforms, the way people communicate and interact with each other can be absolutely ratchet and nearly impossible to avoid inappropriate advances made by misguided minds, BUT it can be done! In this candidly tasteful, heart-felt, personal presentation, Angie B. navigates her audience thru the murky path of dating–helping them avoid its common pitfalls and CANCELLING those who won’t comply. KEY TAKEAWAY: Dating is not for dummies.
Living L.I.T. What’s more awesome than Living in Truth (L.I.T.)…your PURPOSE–the reason you exist? Angie B., in a humorous and youthful approach, addresses the challenges youth face today when trying to identify and live their purpose. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Live in your truth…Live in your Purpose!
Angie B. was a very effective communicator for our Fall Leadership Weekend Retreat…Her messages were punctuated with appropriate humor, song, and passion. She shared from her heart and made an amazing impact on those attending the weekend.
S. O’Ffill/SDA World Church
Angie B.’s high energy is infectious and unforgettable! Our youth and young adults thoroughly enjoyed her. She was mostly remembered for being approachable and taking time to encourage, uplift, or just “hang out” with them.
J. Black, Sr./Director/SDA World Church
Both songs – “United We Can” and “Love Will Bring Us Together” – were very well received by our members. What’s most impressionable is that the lyrics mirroredour mission, and coupled with Angie B.’s beautiful voice, was nothing short of amazing!Our team truly looks forward to working with her again in the near future.
F. Baker CEO/United Way of Central Maryland
Months following the women’s retreat, women couldn’t stop talking about the amazing experience they had and how the title song, “Growing in Grace” written, produced and performed by Angie B. paired perfectly with the inspiring and uplifting messages shared that weekend. It was truly a blessing to us all.
C. Thoms/Women’s Ministry Leader
French poet Alphonse de Lamartine, is quoted as saying, “Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends.” And I don’t know how Angela did it, but she captured the spirit of my heart and expressed the core of who we are at Mazuri Ministries, through the writing, production and performance of “Someone Prayed”.
D. Lea/Founder, Mazuri Ministries
Angie B. recently spoke with our aspiring students about the value of networking. Her presentation was very engaging and full of enthusiasm. Punctuated with humor and candidness, Angie B.’s presentation was not only informative but memorable, and we consider her to be a valuable and prominent presenter to our student body.