Can I be transparent?
It’s another day when I just don’t feel like getting out of bed. If I am being completely transparent, it’s been several, consecutive days that I’ve felt like this. Regardless the weather–sunshine or rain–I am emotionally tapped out and stuck in an emotional rut which leads to a physical and spiritual rut, if I’m to be honest.

Am I the only one that feels like this? I doubt it. I know there are people who feel like this for whatever reason(s). And although those reason(s) may be valid, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
God didn’t purpose us to be weaklings when life gets hard or scary. He, also, didn’t make us to give up or give in to our fears (2 Timothy 1:7), disappointments, and whatever else that causes our knees to buckle. Speaking of buckling, that is a strong signal that we need to pray. After all, we are part way to the prayer position. Which leads me to my next thought. Prayer.
After some self-reflection, I am reminded that in previous times when I felt unmotivated, sad, uninspired and just down right depressed, that when I prayed and spent time in God’s word and powerful, my spirit was revived. I can’t tell you how or exactly when it happens, but it happens!
Why is that? Because I am reminded of God’s love for me and that He has a perfect plan for my life. Not that my life is or will be perfect, but that EVERYTHING, that He allows me to experience is a part of his plan to make me more like Jesus. To depend on Jesus for all of my needs! And the wonderful thing about it is God’s right beside me all the while (Isaiah 43:2), supplying all the grace I need to overcome everyone of my trials (2 Corinthians 12:9). That’s GOOD NEWS!
So my challenge for you and me is this. The next time that gray cloud starts to gather overhead, before we start emotionally spiraling out of control, let’s count our blessings, play our favorite gospel song, read the Bible and talk with our Heavenly Father so that we don’t remain stuck in a rut. After all, life is too short and time is too precious to waste. And both, we’ll have to give account for one day.
So say it with me. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Now get back to living the abundant life God has for you:-) (John 10:10)